Get Fit Challenge Starts Next Week


The YMCA of Vincennes will kick off its “Get Fit Challenge” a week from today at nine a-m at its headquarters on College Avenue. The challenge is put on jointly by Good Samaritan Hospital and the YMCA of Vincennes.
The twelve-week program is for both individuals and four-person teams. The participants will be weighed in a week from today. The team with the highest percentage of weight loss will win a one-thousand dollar award. The individual man and woman with the biggest weight loss percentage will win 250 dollars each.
Good Samaritan Hospital spokeswoman Tiffany Conover says the contest is a response to a recent community survey…

The kickoff weigh-in a week from today is mandatory for all those involved. Registration is 30 dollars a person; more information is available by calling the YMCA of Vincennes.