65th Cub League Season Starts Tomorrow Evening

The 65th straight year of Vincennes Cub League baseball will start with opening ceremonies this Wednesday at six p-m.  The opening pitch of the Cub League season will be thrown out at 5:45 Wednesday evening at Joe Bilskie, Senior Field.  The first pitch will be delivered by Vincennes Mayor Joe Yochum.  In case of rainy weather, the opening cermony will be moved 24 hours, to 5:45 Thursday evening.

Play in all leagues will lead up to Vincennes Cub League Championship Saturday on Saturday, June 25th.  In addition, the Cub League will also host the 10 year-old World Series for the 7th time; this year’s Series will run from  August 5th to 13th.  In preparation, improvements are being made to the blue diamond, concession area, and common areas.