Good Samaritan Hospital Ready for Eclipse Weekend

Good Samaritan Hospital is readying itself to serve the community during the days leading to, and including, Monday’s solar eclipse day.  The Hospital’s Emergency Department remains on the ready, in case here are life-threatening conditions, severe injuries, or other emergency needs.  Hospital officials will have all five of its ambulances ready at different paces across Knox County.
The G-S-H Emergency Center at 1813 Willow Street will be open on Monday from ten a-m to five-30 p-m.  Also, the Hospital’s E-M-S unit will have a presence in Bicknell, at 510 West 11th Street.  That is the former Hospital radiology suite near State Road 67.
Several Hospital departments will be closed Monday, including medical centers at Williams Brothers Pharmacy, and their medical center in Bicknell.  The Dayson Heart Center and the Sports Performance Center will be closed at one p-m Monday, with the Cardiac Rehab Center closing at 10 a-m that day.  Finally, all Good Samaritan Hospital parking lots will be reserved for employee and patient parking only.